Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
This is the picture and scripture verse that I got in an email yesterday. The email said to smile and that it was God's way of telling us to "Have a nice day!". Yesterday was also the day that we had the appointment for our consultation with Dr. Jaffe. I was so anxious about our appointment so the scripture verse was perfect for me. Jaffe had a plan, she gave me some birth control pills to try and get rid of the cysts and lower my estrogen level and scheduled a follow up visit for 2 weeks ( to check my estrogen level and do an ultrasound). We were so happy that she did not mention the "s" word (surgery- we have had our fair share). We were very pleased with our appointment.
That picture is so cool.
I am SO SO SO SO hoping and praying that it works out. I love you guys so much -- even though we don't talk very much, you both are so special to us and to me and I love you!!!!!! I'm so jealous that my mom gets to see you every Tuesday night!
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